Cloud Faxing
eGoldFax Cloud Faxing service for Sharp OSA 4.x Cloud Connected MFPs lets you fax from Sharp MFPs quickly and easily.

Discover Cloud Faxing with eGoldFax
eGoldFax Pure Cloud FaxingTM is a cloud service for Sharp OSA® 4x cloud-ready multi-function printers (MFPs) that enables you to easily fax from Sharp MFPs. eGoldFax even lets you send and receive faxes through your email. It's ideal for small organizations and installs in less than five minutes. eGoldFax has no up-front costs, no MFP Fax Hardware, no on-site fax tel lines or tel system integration, no server software to install. All you need is internet.
eGoldFax Advantages:
- Cloud fax solution for Sharp OSA-enabled MFPs
- No MFP Fax Hardware required
- No on-site fax telephone lines or service required
- Easy to install - No server software, no telephone system integration. All you need is Internet access.
- Set up via the Sharp MFP Web Administrator interface
- Secure fax transactions - HTTPS