Cyber Security

Eakes Office Solutions provides advanced cyber security, including threat detection, firewall management, incident response, and dark web monitoring. 

Advanced Antivirus/ Antimalware Protection

Device Usage Policy Enforcement

Embrace the future of work with confidence, knowing that your device usage policy enforcement is in expert hands, ensuring a secure, efficient, and compliant operational framework for your organization.

Application Control

 Application Control is more than just a tool it's designed to manage and monitor the applications running on your network.

Memory Protection

By isolating different applications and processes, memory protection acts as a vigilant gatekeeper, preventing the chaos of data corruption and system crashes.

Script Control

Script control is the sophisticated leverage of scripting languages to direct the flow, interaction, and presentation of content across digital platforms.

Advanced Cyber Security

Our Security-First IT solutions ensure that your business data and users are secure while limiting the impact on your user's workflows. We leverage advanced cybersecurity tools to stay ahead of hackers and cybercriminals. 

Cyber Security

When it Comes to Cybersecurity, Think Eakes